Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Synthetic Language Adopted by the UN, EU

The United Nations General Secretary announced today the adoption of a "New Esperanto" as the universal language for all the UN Programs and literature, all the future UN created or sponsored countries, and all international transactions under the UN sponsorship.

The European Union supported the measure and promised to do the same starting by the end of the year.

Esperanto is very simple to learn, has only regular verbs and nouns, no accents, no mute letters, no phonetic nuisances, and uses a word mix from the main existing languages. New Esperanto has been designed with Computer Aided Translation in mind. Most word processors in the future will ask some questions about the words being used, to make sure the resulting text is machine-translatable.

A linguists' commission is being established by the UN to define the features of the new language, and to adapt the existing esperanto to the new technologies and vocabularies.

The program will cost a few billion dollars for the first 2 years, but afterwards it will start producing huge savings in most international business.

Bilinguals, as shown below, are now in high need in most globalized countries.

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