Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Black Hole in the Rear End of the World

A black hole was discovered in the rear end of the world.

Unlike most experts from Columbus to this day believe, the world is not round as a ball. Rather, it has an oval shape and a deep tread near South America, as the image below shows. In the middle of the tread there is a black hole, where matter mostly comes out instead of come in. Mostly.

This finding explains why we South Americans are excluded from many international operations, like opening an account in ClickBank, receiving money thru PayPal, getting risk capital for Internet ventures, receiving serious attention from world power centers and other issues.

Also, I complain from many requests for outsourcing consulting or IT jobs, that request local people. There is no reason to demand a local person for most IT tasks, which we provide. We email, phone and bill as if we were local.

Do they fear that I will run with their money? False. We are the ones that usually get ripped off, by non-paying or late-paying customers.

Anyway, we intend to prove that we are not the ...ss of the world anymore.

Note: There are keywords in all articles now, to make them 'search engine optimized' and get better google and yahoo rankings.

Viral Marketing Publication

False-news is now being branded as a viral marketing blog, offering space to advertisers.

We write and publish advertising False-News here, and also do other maneuvers for better exposition.

We obtain excellent rankings for selected keywords after a week or two.

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