To Yonni Barrios, 50, fame came in a bad time. Working in a gold and cupper mine in Temuco, Chile, provided him with the perfect excuse to arrive home a few hours or a few days late. So, he had a wife and a mistress that did not know about each other.
On August 5, 2010, the colapse of the mine put him and 32 mates under 700 meters of solid earth, in a small chamber with scarce resources. After 17 days, the rescue team managed to make contact with all 33 survivors. Their names and faces were all over the national and international media, and the two wives learnt about his missing loved one. The relatives were called to the surface of the disaster point, and then they met and learnt about Yonni's bigammy condition.
The reporter says Yonni wanted the earth to swallow him...

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