Viola a una anciana, se queda dormido y lo atrapan
El hecho ocurrió en el barrio Libertad, Mar del Plata, Pcia. de Buenos Aires, donde un ladrón irrumpió en la casa de una jubilada de 86 años, sorprendida en plena madrugada mientras descansaba.
La anciana fue atacada a golpes y violada, y por el hecho fue detenido un hombre de 40, que fue atrapado porque se quedó dormido en la cama de la víctima.
Fuentes policiales informaron hoy a Télam que el hecho sucedió ayer a la madrugada en una casa situada en la calle Chacabuco, donde la anciana descansaba sola.
Un delincuente logró ingresar a la vivienda y sorprender a la mujer, a quien golpeó en el rostro y la cabeza, y luego violó en reiteradas oportunidades, detallaron las fuentes.
Los voceros explicaron que en el lapso que transcurrió entre cada abuso al que sometió a la anciana, el agresor preparó varios bultos con elementos de valor para robar de la casa.
Pero, tras el último ataque, el delincuente se quedó dormido en la cama de la víctima, quien aprovechó para llamar a un familiar, que alertó a su vez a la Policía.
Efectivos de la seccional sexta de Mar del Plata acudieron al domicilio de la anciana y sorprendieron al delincuente, que quedó detenido y fue trasladado a la dependencia policial, a disposición de la Fiscalía de Flagrancia, acusado de "tentativa de robo y violación".
La anciana, que presentaba golpes en el rostro y un estado de conmoción agudo, fue trasladada en una ambulancia a un centro asistencial, donde permanecía internada en observación.
Al revisar la vivienda de la mujer, el personal policial halló varios elementos que el agresor había preparado para robar y que había dejado envueltos en una frazada.
Fuente: Télam
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Michael Jackson died of…
Michael Jackson died of drug intoxication yesterday.
Michael Jackson died yesterday in L.A. of cardiac arrest at only 50, had several health problems, none of them very serious. We will know the results of the autopsy probably in a week or two. In the meantime, I suggest that he died as a result of a drug cocktail intoxication.
He had vitiligo, a defective production of melanin by the deep skin cells. Vitiligo is not serious, but has strong psychological impact. Michael tried all kind of medications, like monobenzone, psoralen and others which could be toxic.
He underwent too numerous plastic surgeries, mainly rhinoplasty, chin implant and skin peelings.
It was rumored that Jackson suffered from systemic lupus, cystic fibrosis and skin cancer. AIDS is also a possibility considering his high-risk behaviors.
Several times he postponed concerts because of dehydration or low blood pressure.
While performing, he had a broken vertebra and a leg, which induced him to have painkillers.
Having an addiction to prescription painkillers, it is likely that an overdose caused the cardiac arrest.
Recently, Jackson's "official and sole spokesperson", Dr. Tohme Tohme, said the following: "Mr. Jackson is in fine health", and we accussed an author of wanting to promote a book on a suppossed Jackson illness.
Michael Jackson died yesterday in L.A. of cardiac arrest at only 50, had several health problems, none of them very serious. We will know the results of the autopsy probably in a week or two. In the meantime, I suggest that he died as a result of a drug cocktail intoxication.
He had vitiligo, a defective production of melanin by the deep skin cells. Vitiligo is not serious, but has strong psychological impact. Michael tried all kind of medications, like monobenzone, psoralen and others which could be toxic.
He underwent too numerous plastic surgeries, mainly rhinoplasty, chin implant and skin peelings.
It was rumored that Jackson suffered from systemic lupus, cystic fibrosis and skin cancer. AIDS is also a possibility considering his high-risk behaviors.
Several times he postponed concerts because of dehydration or low blood pressure.
While performing, he had a broken vertebra and a leg, which induced him to have painkillers.
Having an addiction to prescription painkillers, it is likely that an overdose caused the cardiac arrest.
Recently, Jackson's "official and sole spokesperson", Dr. Tohme Tohme, said the following: "Mr. Jackson is in fine health", and we accussed an author of wanting to promote a book on a suppossed Jackson illness.
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