Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Counterfeit money drives new faces in paper currency

Counterfeit bills are turning up everywhere in smaller denominations, leaded by the 10 U$D bill. In response, new bills are being prepared.
Basides forgery, inflation and lack of heroes are forcing several countries to find new faces for bills.
A serious inflation usually affects many unstable economies along the globe, and forces the government to print money on short notice. In the past, countries like Italy, Germany and Argentina made 10,000, 100,000 and even 1,000,000 units bills. (lira, mark or peso, respectively).
As a result, they run out of heroes to portrait.
The Czech Republic has recently came out with Mr. Bean in their 500 whatever bill. Excellent idea. With all due respect to Washington and other old timers, it is time to find new faces for currency.
Here in Argentina we are starting to have some inflation now, which combined with a scarcity for heroes could end up in new faces showing up in paper currency.
Also, the economy used to be very funny and seemed to be ran by Mr.Bean.
By the way, I am a Rowan Atkinson's big fan.

Image taken from someone

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